Thursday, 19 December 2013

A Lovely Winter Walk

Today Libby and I went for a 'winter' walk. The birds were singing, the scenery was beautiful and the sun was hot...

Even with factor 50 suncream, my face still got a bit pink...the Doxycycline effect again! 

We walked out of Butare and into Taba, a wealthier neighbourhood where ex-pats tend to live. Here we picked up a couple of followers, and I felt like the Pied Piper. 

Those children were carrying rolls of firewood on their heads, which begged the question: they can't be that heavy, right?

Wrong! Shortly after this photo was taken, Libby tried and failed to lift this bundle off the ground. How on earth those children manage with such a weight, I have no idea, but I have so much respect for them now. 

 We ended up at a fish farm (murky water = no visible fish...) and trekked up what seemed like the steepest hill in the world before arriving back in Butare by the Cathedral.

It wasn't the most wintery of walks since it actually turned out to be one of the hottest days of the month, but it was nice to see more of the landscape around Butare. Sadly it didn't do much for our Christmas spirit (or lack of) but the evening sunset almost made up for this. 

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